Intellectual Property

Copyright Registration of Videos and Cinematography in India

Copyright Registration of Videos and Cinematography

Copyright Registration of Videos and Cinematography in India has become necessary now-a-days, due to increase in demand of videos and cinematography content across the world. With media industry growing day by day, one should register his/her work so that it can be protected from any other party copyright infringements.

How to Copyright a video and Film

It's important to remember that only the author has the copyright to a video or film. Copyrighting videos and films is a way of formalizing ownership. Luckily, it's easy to file copyright registration online with fileforindia. It takes just one click on the Copyright button from our homepage. Once you have completed the form, we'll send your application to be processed by our team at an extremely affordable price. Our agents will then make sure your copyright registration for video and cinematography is approved in as fast as possible. You don't need to worry about all the complicated paperwork anymore! Just fill out the copyright form online and we will handle the rest for you.

What Are The Benefits of Registration Your Work?

The process of registrating your work is easy, inexpensive, and provides benefits. Why not take the few minutes to file for copyright? There are a number of reasons why you should file for copyright. The process is easy and inexpensive. You get exclusive rights to use the work or sell it. You can then use the registration certificate as evidence in court if someone infringes on your copyright. If you don't register your work, you may never know when someone else is using it without permission.

What Is Not Covered By The License?

The license does not cover the use of music, voice-over, or sound effects. The license also does not extend to any third party content used by the licensee in the video. However, if a third party content is an integral part of the video it will be covered under the license. If you wish to use music, voice-over, or sound effects from this list then you must either include them on your own licenses with the copyright owner or obtain separate licenses from those copyright owners before distributing your video. In order to use third party content (including images) that are owned by another person, please ensure that you have their permission.

What Are The Penalties For Breach?

Violation of copyright or an infringement under the Act is punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years, or with fine, or both. The offender shall also be liable to pay damages which may extend to Rs. 50 lakhs per work infringed by him. Copyright owners can also seek injunction against the infringer from infringing their rights again. If an offence is committed by any company, every director who knowingly consents to such offense, whether as a director or otherwise shall be deemed to have committed that offence and shall on conviction be punished accordingly

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