Copyright Registration is a process by which the creator of an original work can protect their intellectual property. This can be done for literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works, as well as for film, sound recordings and broadcasts. The person who creates a work automatically becomes the first owner of any copyright in it. In order to be eligible for copyright protection the work needs to be original and must have been created with some degree of skill or effort. It also needs to be recorded either in written form or on another material such as film. It doesn’t matter if you want copyright protection for just one piece of your work (a painting) or if you want protection for all your work (all paintings). There are two ways that you can register your creative works; nationally or internationally. National registration will cover your work only within the country where it was filed. International registration will cover your work across most countries of the world
Steps to register Copyright in India
- 1. For the copyright to be registered, the work must be original and unpublished and should not have been registered before anywhere.
- 2. The work must be made by a citizen of India or domiciled in India; or if it is published outside of India, either the first publication must have taken place within the territory of India or the author of that work is an Indian citizen or domiciled in India at the time of first publication.
- 3. The work must not fall under any of the categories excluded from copyright protection (e.g., quotations, news reports, ideas).
- 4. If the work falls into one of these categories then you may still register your copyrights but with certain restrictions on its use. In this case, there are two steps: •step one: First apply for permission from the Copyright Board. •step two: Once permission has been granted, proceed with registering the work. However, once again you must ensure that it does not fall into any of the categories which are excluded from copyright protection.
- 5. Registering your work will also provide you with remedies such as damages, injunction, delivery up and destruction of infringing copies.
Why should I register my copyright?
Registering your copyright is a necessary step to protect your creative works. Registering your copyright with the government prevents others from using, altering, or reproducing your work without permission. It also gives you the right to sue for infringement and damages. For example, if someone copies and distributes your work without authorization, you can sue them for damages like lost profits or earning potential. Registering a copyright is relatively easy and inexpensive.
Can I apply for a patent after I have registered my copyright?
You can apply for a patent but it will not be granted until the copyright has expired. A patent is a limited-term right that protects an invention and gives the inventor, or their assignee, the right to make, use, or sell that invention for a set period of time without infringing on anyone else's rights. The application process may take anywhere from one year to ten years before being granted, depending on how complex your invention is and what country you're filing for a patent in.